自力式调节阀是一种无需外加驱动能源,依靠被调介质的压力或温度为动力源及其介质变化,按设定值,进行自动调节的节能型控制装置。它集检测、控制诸多功能于一阀,自成一个独立的仪表控制系统。 自力式调节阀采纳了标准模块化的设计。我们的产品具有标准化、系列化、通用化的特点,三化水平高。 自力式压力调节阀和差压调节阀的部件具有互换性,如果控制条件改变,可以便捷地更改弹簧和膜头部件。
主体材料: WCB, CF8, CF8M
公称尺寸: DN 15 to 250
◎ 公称压力: 0.01 to 0.07Mpa, 0.8 to 1.6Mpa, 0.3 to 1.2Mpa, 0.1 to 0.6Mpa, 0.015 to 0.15Mpa, 0.05 to 0.3Mpa, 0.005 to 0.035Mpa
◎ 温度范围: ≤350°C
C701单座控制阀是一种顶部导向型单座阀,该系列产品吸收了国内外同类产品的优点,并进行了提升、创新。在设计和工艺及装配等方面达到国内外同类产品的先进水平其结构紧凑、体积小、流道通畅,流体通道呈S流线型,流量特性曲线精度高,稳定可靠维护简便 。 配用 RS���� �弹簧气动薄膜执行机构,推力大、刚性强,动作灵敏,定位精度高,响应速度快,简捷坚固,使用寿命⻓。 在常规基础上,经模块化延伸设计研发,可组成C�列角型单座阀、波纹管密封单座阀、保温夹套型单座阀等特殊结构,供用戶选择使用。 因 此 ,该 系 列 产 品 被 广 泛 应 用 于 石 油 、化 工 、冶 金 、电 站 、空 分 设 备 、液 化 天 然 气 等 流 体 控 制 场 合 。
The quality of forged steel parts is higher than that of cast steel parts, and they can withstand the impact of beatings. The plasticity, toughness, and other mechanical properties are higher than those of cast steel parts. The diameter of cast steel gate valves is generally not more than DN80, and most of them are reduced-diameter designs. Compared with cast steel gate valves of the same diameter, the flow rate is slightly lower, but the pressure and temperature range they can withstand are higher than those of cast steel valves, and the sealing performance is much better than that of cast steel gate valves, and the service life is longer. The flow direction of the medium is not restricted like other gate valves.
The Bellows Seal Gate Valve is a high-performance valve designed to ensure sealing integrity and prevent medium leakage. It utilizes bellows seal technology to effectively block fluid leaks that could cause environmental pollution or safety hazards. This valve is suitable for use in steam, thermal oil systems, heat exchangers, and other high-temperature, high-pressure fluid control applications. Its compact structure and easy maintenance offer long-term reliable sealing performance.